It was March 2022, when the universe brought us together. Despite our different backgrounds, we instantly connected over remarkably similar inner journeys. A simple goodbye hug sparked a profound connection between us, like two powerful magnets being drawn together. From that moment on, our lives shifted rapidly. Our relationship evolved faster than we could comprehend. We witnessed incredible changes happening right before our eyes, and an exciting new path began to unfold, merging our life experiences into one.
We attended the New Earth music festival together in Tulum two months later. Adam had previously been offered a pristine piece of rainforest by a lucky coincidence. During the festival, an inspired idea emerged—we would create a beautiful, self-sustaining healing retreat deep within the jungle that would honour the land and facilitate healing, learning, and creativity. This is where the concept for The Avatara Project was born.
Our journey unfolds quickly, continuously revealing new directions in each present moment. At its core, there is a harmony much greater than ourselves - a symphony to serve the highest good for all as conduits of change. This is not just one couple's journey but a manifestation of a universal awakening. Our journey has ignited an inner beacon to uncover the truth and a higher purpose, not only for ourselves but for anyone who, like us, searches for answers and direction in the darkness.
The universe brought us together in March 2022. Despite our different backgrounds, we instantly connected over remarkably similar inner journeys. A simple goodbye hug sparked a profound connection between us like two powerful magnets being drawn together. It completely changed the course of our lives.
From that moment on, our lives shifted rapidly. Our relationship evolved faster than we could comprehend. We witnessed incredible changes happening before our eyes, and an exciting new path began to unfold, merging our life experiences into one.
We attended the New Earth music festival together in Tulum two months later. Adam had previously been offered a pristine piece of rainforest by a lucky coincidence. During the festival, an inspired idea emerged - we would create a beautiful, self-sustaining healing retreat deep within the jungle that would honor the land, facilitate healing, learning, and creativity. This is where the concept for The Avatara Project was born.
Our journey unfolds quickly, revealing new directions in each present moment. At its core, there is a harmony much greater than ourselves - a symphony to serve the highest good for all as conduits of change.
This is not just one couple's journey but a manifestation of a universal awakening. Our journey has ignited an inner beacon to uncover the truth and a higher purpose, not only for ourselves but for anyone who, like us, searches for answers and direction in the darkness.
It was March 2022, when the universe brought us together. Despite our different backgrounds, we instantly connected over remarkably similar inner journeys. A simple goodbye hug sparked a profound connection between us, like two powerful magnets being drawn together.
From that moment on, our reality shifted rapidly. Our relationship evolved faster than we could comprehend. We witnessed incredible changes happening right before our eyes, and an exciting new path began to unfold, merging our joint life experiences into one.
Two months later, we attended the New Earth music festival together in Tulum. By a lucky coincidence, Adam had previously been offered a pristine piece of rainforest there. During the festival, an inspired idea emerged - we would create a beautiful, self-sustaining healing retreat deep within the jungle that would honor the land, facilitate healing, learning, and creativity. This is where the concept for The Avatara Project was born.
Our journey unfolds quickly, revealing new directions in each present moment. At its core, there is a harmony much greater than ourselves - a symphony to serve the highest good for all, as conduits of change.
This is not just one couple's journey, but a manifestation of a universal awakening. Our journey has ignited an inner beacon to uncover truth and higher purpose, not only for ourselves but for anyone who, like us, searches for answers and direction in the darkness.
Family - The Heart of Our Home
The following six months passed quickly with lots of quantum shifts and changes as we helped each other to heal those aspects of ourselves that we couldn't achieve on our own. Then, during the autumn equinox, our guides asked if we’d consider bringing into this world a child - a new baby brother or sister for Leo and his older siblings, Lara and Luke. After a surprisingly short reflection, we agreed and less than one month later, little Ava was on her way.
Ava arrived just after the Summer Solstice the following year, beaming joy into our expanded family and touching all she meets with her warm gentle energy and her radiant spirit.
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Family - The Heart of Our Home
The following six months passed quickly with lots of quantum shifts and changes as we helped each other to heal those aspects of ourselves that we couldn't achieve on our own. Then, during the autumn equinox, our guides asked if we’d consider bringing into this world a child - a new baby brother or sister for Leo and his older siblings, Lara and Luke. After a surprisingly short reflection, we agreed and less than one month later, little Ava was on her way.
Ava arrived just after the Summer Solstice the following year, beaming joy into our expanded family and touching all she meets with her warm gentle energy and her radiant spirit.
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Family - The Heart of Our Home
The following six months passed quickly with lots of quantum shifts and changes as we helped each other to heal those aspects of ourselves that we couldn't achieve on our own.
Then, during the autumn equinox, our guides asked if we’d consider bringing into this world a child - a new baby brother or sister for Leo and his older siblings, Lara and Luke. After a surprisingly short reflection, we agreed and less than one month later, little Ava was on her way.
Ava arrived just after the Summer Solstice the following year, beaming joy into our expanded family and touching all she meets with her warm gentle energy and her radiant spirit.
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